Finance & Banking
- You want to gather knowledge and abilities that are going to help you understand the way financial institutions and intermediaries operate, use financial products and instruments and have a successful career in the global financial and banking industry;
- You look for the opportunity of becoming a qualified and competent manager in the field of banking or in any other field where an efficient approach to management is needed;
- You want to understand the way financial public policies are set in place at governmental level and you want a successful career in this field;
- You want to develop innovative abilities in solving complex interdisciplinary problems and in taking decisions.
When graduating from this line of study, you’ll have a large choice of careers. Our students can opt for a position in:
- Commercial and investment banks;
- Investment funds and broker companies;
- National or international companies’ financial departments;
- Insurance and re-insurance companies;
- Ministries and public institutions’ financial departments;
- Consultancy and financial analysis companies both for the public and private environment.
In the Romanian financial and banking sector, the average salaries range between 500-1,600 euro/month, depending on the company, field of activity and experience, a Chief Financial Officer being payed average salaries of around 2,000 to 6,000 euro/month.
Graduating from this program of study, one has better opportunities of obtaining different professional certifications and of becoming a member of various national and international organisms:
- Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA);
- Association of Chartered Accountants (ACCA);
- Fiscal Consultants Chamber (CCF);
- Expert and Certified Accountants of Romania Chamber (CECCAR);
- National Union of Insolvency Practitioners of Romania (UNPIR);
- Financial Auditors of Romania Chamber (CAFR).
As student of this line of study, you can benefit from the Erasmus partnerships that offer you the chance of studying for 5 months in a partner university of a European country (such as: Universidad Complutense of Madrid, Universita degli Studi di Cagliari, Universita di Roma, Cracow University of Economics, Nottingham Trent University, University of South Boemia, Haute Ecole Libre Mosane etc) or to have an internship in a company located in a member state.
This way you can broaden your horizon, develop yourself in a multicultural environment and better adapt to the European financial and banking work market’s requests that are more and more difficult to fulfil.
The local partnerships allow you to have internships in national or multinational companies located in Timisoara, as well as in public institutions. BRD Groupe Societe Generale, Banca Comercială Română, Banca Transilvania, Romanian International Bank, Reiffeisen Bank, Deloitte, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers(PwC), Romcapital, Prefectura Județului Timiș, Direcţia Generală Regională a Finanțelor Publice Timișoara, Administraţia Judeţeană a Finanțelor Publice Timiş, Direcția Fiscală a Primăriei Timișoara, Pasmatex SRL, Draexelmaier SRL, are just a few of our partners that help us offer you the skills that give you the chance of building a successful career.